The idea to establish a village gallery arose in the spring of 2014 as a private initiative from Britt Åse Høyesveen and Eva Rødsrud-Krömeke, who at this time ran “Felles Glede” at the top of the city center. It was a desire to facilitate and invite people to explore larger parts of the city center, and in addition, create a visitor attraction that residents and visitors would enjoy.
In the autumn of the same year, an initiative was taken to gather local photographers who might consider starting such a gallery. A gallery would not only benefit the public in the village but would also help to create a network and a community for the photo community in Ringebu. The gallery owners were to be people with different backgrounds/levels – from the hobby photographer to the professional photographer. The common denominator was an interest in photography, and a desire to exhibit their photos and be part of a photo community.
“But the Queen has a standing invitation to be an exhibitor at the guest exhibition space in the Village Gallery”
The group of village gallerists grew to eventually embrace 13 local gallerists, in an age range from 15 to 70, and with affiliations from different parts of the municipality. Ringebu municipality recognized the concept as a positive contribution to the development of the village and made meeting rooms available in the start-up phase. A commitment was given for support from the business fund if other financing options did not contribute to the realization of the concept, and this thus ensured progress and optimism. The municipality has also been a driving force and “speaker” by, among other things, inviting HRH Queen Sonja to the official opening. Unfortunately, this could not be realized, but the Queen has a standing invitation to be an exhibitor at the guest exhibition space in the Village Gallery, and this is something the gallery owners can follow up at a later date.

Photo: Tor Ivan Boine
Concept development/content and organization were prepared through several working meetings from winter 2014 and beyond spring 2015, until the opening in Easter 2015. All photographers have contributed in various ways with ideas and solutions to how the project could be implemented. “Bolyst” project manager / Birgitte Bay was a sparring partner during the start-up phase, and Britt Åse Høyesveen as a private person has played a central role in organizing and establishing the village gallery.

Photo: Hilde Jordbruen
The village gallery had a pre-opening during the World Cup 2015, when pictures were frozen in ice blocks and exhibited on an exhibition bench of snow, in the arena near Ringebu municipality and the Regional Council’s tent. Ringebu Folkehøyskole was a partner in designing the exhibition bench and making it available.

About the picture: We felt a scorching longing, longing for a beach. I never reached port. Still, we went ashore. Me eases with play and scholars. Fred found me little. Whole life is gone. The whole world was sea
“Kolbein Falkeid”
Photo: Hilde Jordbruen
The photographers in The Village Gallery Ringebu are in the first exhibition round (starting Saturday 28 March 2015) the following photographers; Aino-Anette Søreng, Anette Romsås, Haldis Myhre Tvete, Hilde Jordbruen, Inge Asphoug, Olav Erik Storm, Stig Walter Nymoen, Tor Ivan Boine, Ingolf Morten Bones, Lars Vendelboe Tvete, Erik Åge Flyen, Evelien Lanting, Ida Myhren and Sunniva Odlo Myrvang.

The official opening of Ringebu Village Gallery was made by county culture director Kyrre Dahl and then-mayor Erik Odlo, a glorious spring day in March 2015. The first “walking tour” with the audience present took place in collaboration with photographers and creator Britt Åse Høyesveen.
Today, the gallery is run by the photographers themselves, who have their own board. The photos are replaced three times a year, and the public can contact each photographer if they want to buy a photo.
In this way, the exhibition is not “outdated”, but is still relevant, and photographers get an opportunity to show themselves and sell their pictures.

org nr: 914 856 949
adresse: Jernbanegata 7, 2630 Ringebu